The morality of celebrating Henry Kissinger’s death
It finally happened. Henry Kissinger, godfather of neo-colonialism and neo-liberal exploitation, is dead. Rejoice, peoples of this world!
As millions around the world celebrate the long overdue demise of a war criminal, genocidal maniac, and just overall terrible human being, an army of liberal and conservative (same thing in essence, as readers of this publication know) individuals and media outlets rail against what they view as unacceptable and disrespectful behavior. Already, they are up in arms against the ‘radical left,’ those in the Global South who will (rightfully) toast each other in joy tonight, and every single decent human being in this godforsaken society who can glance beyond the constant onslaught of propaganda.
Incidentally, these self-proclaimed moralists — let’s call them conservo-liberals for our purposes here (or just capitalists, if you want) — always find themselves on the side of the imperial core.
They are the ones who would argue the benefits of slavery, colonialism, and any type of inhuman exploitation, really, as long as it serves the status quo, meaning their own comfort and convenience. They are the same ones that support every fucking war, genocide, and mass murder as long as it suits the right kind of capital. They are the ones you’ll find arguing how Israel is right to bomb thousands of Palestinian children into Nirvana. They are the ones who’ll condone annihilating hospitals as long as the perpetrators are white enough. They are the ones who’ll march peacefully (and police-sanctioned, of course) for any current cultural agenda but never actually, materially do anything to fight a system that constantly limits civic freedoms and perpetrates inequality and injustice on a never-before witnessed scale.
I mean look at this atrocity of a Tweet, just one of hundreds like it written by similar individuals in power:
Cheers, Ursula. The man killed millions but God forbid one utters a single bad word about him. Always must they claim ‘reason,’ whatever fuck that means from their narrow, self-serving capitalist viewpoint.
Here is another such atrocity. You may require eye bleach afterward (and something to calm your unhealthy heart rate):
And one last example because I like to terrorize you. I declare this Tweet a war crime:
I’m not sure politicians and officials such as them actually, truly have any humanity left. They say what serves their system, write what their groupies of propagandists tell them, do whatever will further enrich and empower them and their friends.
“He may be controversial, but he still served his country his entire life. We should respect that.”
He served a clear imperial agenda. He impoverished nations and continents. He directly and indirectly killed millions. His deeds only benefited those who were already in power, already wealthy.
For all purposes, he is a monster. And he served a nation led by other monsters. I have neither respect for him nor any who support his atrocities. This man should have spent life in the darkest prison cell, crying into George Bush’s back at night.
“But he’s dead now. We shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.”
Why? Does your bourgeois morality, that feeble and utterly relative construct, tell you that? Where is this morality when a billion of us go to bed hungry every single night? Where is this morality when the police harass the homeless, tear apart their tents, and take their feeble belonging? Where is it when the richest of the rich, the top 1%, contribute more to the climate disaster than two-thirds of humanity combined? Where is it when the WTO, the World Bank, the IMF, the EU, whatever else ghoulish sect, actively and deliberately impoverish the Global South for decades?
Fuck you, death does not absolve these monsters. Piss on Thatcher’s grave, and then drink a couple of beers and piss on Kissinger’s.
“But what about his family? They are in mourning. We should be respectful.”
Honestly, I don’t care. If anyone truly loves this man, they must either be as terrible a human being as he is or else live in the greatest cognitive dissonance ever witnessed. I have no respect for either. Also, I’m sure they can quench their sorrow with a couple of yachts and luxury cars.
“Oh no, my morality!”
Bourgeois morality and the monopoly on reason they claim are just that: artificial constructs, willfully established and furthered to serve very specific interests. Violence is evil except when it’s for the right, Western cause; peace is our utmost credo except when capital inevitably reaches its periodical limits and requires a fix; etc.
As Rage Against The Machine so eloquently put it: “Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me!”
Way to go, Henry. I wish I’d believe in hell, divine justice, or anything of the sort, for I am sure if such a thing existed you would spend eternity there. Now, Biden-boy, Trumpo, Elon, Karli (this one’s local — Austria, for the ill-informed), and all you other great leaders of us: might I suggest following in Henry’s footsteps? Personally, the bliss of Camus-esque nothingness and non-existence sounds amazing to me. Leave behind all your sorrows, make the world a little bit better for the rest of us.
Rest in piss!