Thank you Antonio🙏

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Freakonomics has a 3 part podcast on Adam Smith that demolishes the "hidden hand" theory. It was a term he used in a minor portion of his book that was picked up by the Straussians and promoted to promote their neoliberal economics. https://freakonomics.com/podcast/in-search-of-the-real-adam-smith/

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Thanks will definitely check it out!

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United Fruit Company would sure be blushing with envy right now.

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What neoliberalism did to the Global South is what I like to call "Bonsai Gentrification": to deliberately stunt their development to make them all the easier to exploit, exploit the hell out of their labor and natural resources, and then gentrify them into Banana Republics for the sole benefit of the elites. Not necessarily in that order.

It was/is basically a backdoor re-colonization of the North's former colonies in the South following the decolonization in the mid-20th century, achieved by the oligarchs rigging the game of the global economy behind the scenes. "Free trade" was ultimately neither free nor trade.

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Indeed, neoliberalism is a Frankenstein monster of pure, irredeemable evil.

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Amen. Well-said, Antonio. The only difference between capitalism and cannibalism is the spelling. Both are "wetiko", the parasite of the mind and cancer of the soul. The invisible hand that robs from the poor and gives to the rich. And neoliberalism is essentially capitalism on steroids and crack. It can also be seen as a sort of "secular religion" as well, that is, the religion of the world, the flesh, and here comes the devil.

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