All so very true. I have to wonder if I will live to see this. Maybe. I am preparing either way. I need to try and clue in my grown kids about what's coming. Hopefully, I will get to start when they visit with me in January. We'll see what kind of reception I get. I'm a little scared. Not of the coming apocolypse but of talking to my kids.
This sort of thinking is both overly pessimistic, since the global upper class can and will do what’s necessary to survive, (even if the global lower class is displaced into oblivion), and overly optimistic, since if civilization did collapse, it would either be all at once, (in which case everybody would be worse off, including the miniscule elite who can afford impregnable doomsday shelters), or gradually, in which case, while the elites will be fine, the vast majority will suffer due to increasing inhospitablilty.
The belief the system will collapse within two decades is impractical and deleterious. Even if all trends of deterioration continue or accelerate, much more likely than not, capital in developed countries, either tangible or otherwise, will still be as indispensable as it is now. Thinking otherwise seems like a delusional death wish.
“Is the ‘slow burn’ and silent suffering we are experiencing right now better than ripping the band-aid off?”
This would seem to imply Israel is taking the right approach right now with Gaza, populated with the particularly miserable, or that they aren’t going far enough, pursuing genocide/indiscriminate deaths when they should be going for systematic liquidation of the populace.
No no there is no such a thing as overpopulation , that is the lie on which apathy is build.
Brainwashing people into believe we are to many is the way how they make them except GENOCIDE.
we are not too many, as a matter of fact, population is in decline worldwide, and soon we will be a world of old and sick people, in which the few young ones remaining, are going to become slaves of an older generation of handicapped idiots, which by believing in overpopulation, have caused the enslavement of their future generation and a miserable life of horrors for the ones who will follow.
We are not too many, and the world as all the resources we need.
It is when people feel entitle to own anything they see that resources are waisted and inequality becomes the standard.
We need to wake up to facts, and begin to understand the reasons behind the actions so that we masters of them and restore understanding
Thanks for this, Antonio. I do care. What rational modern people call "progress" has put humans (and every living thing on Earth) on a collision course with a brick wall of our own making. Our hyper-materialistic joyride is already bringing catastrophe to the homelands of those who contributed the least to the problem and don't have the necessary resources to adapt and survive "in place". I'm at a loss for what might motivate humanity to give up growth at any cost in favor of survival at any cost. I think it's coming, and I hope it won't be too late. Paraphrasing a quote attributed to Winston Churchill: 'You can always count on humans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.'
People simply don't care. If 1000s of kids have to die in a far of country so we can continue this facade, secretly they're ok with it. We don't care about the people in our own countries, more and more of whom are getting crushed by the cost of living. I've seen so many more cars with families in them out and about. When I speak to them many are working ?!?? ! Blows my mind.
The elites will be fine, more and more they're buying up rural productive land. They can be highly mobile, see Jeff Basos recent move from Seattle to Miami in a heartbeat. My $$'s are betting on 'Green Zones' ala Iraq. All the mod cons, organic food etc while the rest line in 'Grey-zones' run by regional thugs. When things break instead of running drugs etc they'll turn to running water.
All so very true. I have to wonder if I will live to see this. Maybe. I am preparing either way. I need to try and clue in my grown kids about what's coming. Hopefully, I will get to start when they visit with me in January. We'll see what kind of reception I get. I'm a little scared. Not of the coming apocolypse but of talking to my kids.
I think we're all scared, friend. Do whatever is best for your children!
OMG this is an awesome article. You’re one of the awakened ones.
Thank you!
This sort of thinking is both overly pessimistic, since the global upper class can and will do what’s necessary to survive, (even if the global lower class is displaced into oblivion), and overly optimistic, since if civilization did collapse, it would either be all at once, (in which case everybody would be worse off, including the miniscule elite who can afford impregnable doomsday shelters), or gradually, in which case, while the elites will be fine, the vast majority will suffer due to increasing inhospitablilty.
The belief the system will collapse within two decades is impractical and deleterious. Even if all trends of deterioration continue or accelerate, much more likely than not, capital in developed countries, either tangible or otherwise, will still be as indispensable as it is now. Thinking otherwise seems like a delusional death wish.
“Is the ‘slow burn’ and silent suffering we are experiencing right now better than ripping the band-aid off?”
This would seem to imply Israel is taking the right approach right now with Gaza, populated with the particularly miserable, or that they aren’t going far enough, pursuing genocide/indiscriminate deaths when they should be going for systematic liquidation of the populace.
No no there is no such a thing as overpopulation , that is the lie on which apathy is build.
Brainwashing people into believe we are to many is the way how they make them except GENOCIDE.
we are not too many, as a matter of fact, population is in decline worldwide, and soon we will be a world of old and sick people, in which the few young ones remaining, are going to become slaves of an older generation of handicapped idiots, which by believing in overpopulation, have caused the enslavement of their future generation and a miserable life of horrors for the ones who will follow.
We are not too many, and the world as all the resources we need.
It is when people feel entitle to own anything they see that resources are waisted and inequality becomes the standard.
We need to wake up to facts, and begin to understand the reasons behind the actions so that we masters of them and restore understanding
Thanks for this, Antonio. I do care. What rational modern people call "progress" has put humans (and every living thing on Earth) on a collision course with a brick wall of our own making. Our hyper-materialistic joyride is already bringing catastrophe to the homelands of those who contributed the least to the problem and don't have the necessary resources to adapt and survive "in place". I'm at a loss for what might motivate humanity to give up growth at any cost in favor of survival at any cost. I think it's coming, and I hope it won't be too late. Paraphrasing a quote attributed to Winston Churchill: 'You can always count on humans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.'
People simply don't care. If 1000s of kids have to die in a far of country so we can continue this facade, secretly they're ok with it. We don't care about the people in our own countries, more and more of whom are getting crushed by the cost of living. I've seen so many more cars with families in them out and about. When I speak to them many are working ?!?? ! Blows my mind.
The elites will be fine, more and more they're buying up rural productive land. They can be highly mobile, see Jeff Basos recent move from Seattle to Miami in a heartbeat. My $$'s are betting on 'Green Zones' ala Iraq. All the mod cons, organic food etc while the rest line in 'Grey-zones' run by regional thugs. When things break instead of running drugs etc they'll turn to running water.
Aww, stop it mate. I'm just in a continual existential crisis and need an outlet haha ❤️