I wrote about something kind of similar today — while I don’t have the exact same opinion I definitely resonate with wanting something to just change already. I think it’s pretty natural to just prefer it to happen rather than having to navigate this tense era instead, when we know something’s coming anyway. It’s too anxiety-provoking to have to just stay here and wait.

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Well Done.

Increasing stretches of water-torture drip by way of information

Changing of the Norms ,Goals, and Predictions

Always being warned to fear yet ! ....the slow boiled frog in the pot part stretches it out in pure reflex

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The truth of this resonates with me deeply, and yet at other times, I am more immersed in the simplicity and joy of the always here right now, always the same, always perfect. Feelings come and go, and at times I do seeth with this nihilistic rage, and at other times I am awash with contentment and gratitude. I admire your courage to 'go there' in this post, you are right, it's not popular or considered very ethical to wish for bad shit to happen, but it's actually a pretty common dilemma amoung the collapse community. So good to air out the duty laundry every now and then.

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Truth bombs from Antonio today...

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My mind likely soaked it in from media, so-called entertainment and such, but just as you speak of, been a thought in the back of my head for quite some time of a forthcoming catastrophe, eradicating society as we know.

Is this necessary?

Lately, it certainly seems so...

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