This essay is for all men drawn and manipulated by the right. They don’t give a shit about you. You will never be one of them. You will never be a billionaire. Fascists are always on the losing side of history.

Stand up and think for a fucking moment.

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As somebody who wants to end Affirmative Action, deport all illegal immigrants, massively reduce legal immigration, legalize drugs, legalize dueling, cut regulations, more heavily tax polluters, stop funding all foreign wars & conflicts, allow drag queens gays & trans people to do whatever they want with their own body & women to have abortions, opposes jailing people for burning the American flag, supports prostitution legalization, & opposes regulations on the types of guns & ammunition people can buy, I agree 100% with this article.

I also voted for Democrats & Kamala Harris believe it or not despite being a straight zoomer white male living in Texas, because even though both parties are awful, Project 2025 & the growing reactionary & Eloncracy/oligarch attempt at takeover is slightly more terrifying to me than stagnant wasteful schoolmarming/Karen nagging increasingly atomizing decaying "virtue signal intersectional/woke" neoliberalism.

You seem like a reasonable guy. I know this article was addressed at Trump voters & not the DOZENS of people like me, but my question is, am I a fascist to you?

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And wimmin and cro magnons o juste las hombres se llamen Bilbao con las pelotas muy spectaculares, creo qué si, no o qué 🤔

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James McMurtry wrote this in 2005 and expressed similar sentiment in song form:

There's a Vietnam vet with a cardboard sign

Sitting there by the left turn line

The flag on his wheelchair flapping in the breeze

One leg missing and both hands free

No one's paying much mind to him

The V.A. budget's just stretched so thin

And now there' s more coming back from the Mideast war

We can't make it here anymore

And that big ol' building was the textile mill

That fed our kids and it paid our bills

But they turned us out and they closed the doors

'Cause we can' t make it here anymore

You see those pallets piled up on the loading dock

They're just gonna sit there 'til they rot

'Cause there's nothing to ship, nothing to pack

Just busted concrete and rusted tracks

Empty storefronts around the square

There's a needle in the gutter and glass everywhere

You don't come down here unless you're looking to score

We can't make it here anymore

The bar's still open but man it' s slow

The tip jar's light and the register' s low

The bartender don't have much to say

The regular crowd gets thinner each day

Some have maxed out all their credit cards

Some are working two jobs and living in cars

Minimum wage won't pay for a roof, won't pay for a drink

If you gotta have proof just try it yourself, Mr. CEO

See how far $5.15 an hour will go

Take a part time job at one your stores

I bet you can't make it here anymore

There's a high school girl with a bourgeois dream

Just like the pictures in the magazine

She found on the floor of the laundromat

A woman with kids can forget all that

If she comes up pregnant what'll she do

Forget the career and forget about school

Can she live on faith? Live on hope?

High on Jesus or hooked on dope

When it's way too late to just say no

You can't make it here anymore

Now I'm stocking shirts in the Wal-Mart store

Just like the ones we made before

'Cept this one came from Singapore

I guess we can't make it here anymore

Should I hate a people for the shade of their skin

Or the shape of their eyes or the shape I'm in

Should I hate 'em for having our jobs today

No, I hate the men sent the jobs away

I can see them all now, they haunt my dreams

All lily white and squeaky clean

They've never known want, they'll never know need

Their shit don't stink and their kids won't bleed

Their kids won't bleed in their damn little war

And we can't make it here anymore

Will work for food, will die for oil

Will kill for power, and to us the spoils

The billionaires get to pay less tax

The working poor get to fall through the cracks

So let 'em eat jellybeans let 'em eat cake

Let 'em eat shit, whatever it takes

They can join the Air Force or join the Corps

If they can't make it here anymore

So that's how it is, that's what we got

If the president wants to admit it or not

You can read it in the paper, read it on the wall

Hear it on the wind if you're listening at all

Get out of that limo, look us in the eye

Call us on the cell phone, tell us all why

In Dayton, Ohio or Portland, Maine

Or a cotton gin out on the great high plains

That's done closed down, along with the school

And the hospital, and the swimming pool

Dust devils dance in the noonday heat

There's rats in the alley and trash in the street

Gang graffiti on a boxcar door

We can't make it here anymore

- We Can't Make It Here

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You’re welcome. He tours a lot. If you get the chance to see him perform, he’s great live. The song won Song of the Year at the Americana Music Honors and Awards. Author Stephen King described it as the “best American protest song since ‘Masters of War'”

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That's great. Thank you for transcribing.

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A masterpiece.

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thank you, much appreciated

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No war but the class war!


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This story should have way more likes than what it does for 2 days later. I guess a lot of folks don’t want to let go of the fantasy.

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That was amazing. And necessary. Appreciate you for that!

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thank you!

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Dude this was brilliant and brutal and I absolutely loved it. I’m sharing it with family and friends and on Bluesky. Thank you

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thank you so much ♥️

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Holy fuck.

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So if Tyler Durden did an expanded rant of the one he performed in Fight Club, this would be it. Very enjoyable to read. Well done!

Read and write on!

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Haha thank you! We're all Tyler Durden here

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I just wanted you to know that I only read the title of this post before hitting the subscribe button and laughed aloud.

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haha welcome

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Same! Props 🙌🏻✌🏻

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I just found you - your writing is extraordinary! Wow wow wow!

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thanks Zuri!

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Hello Antonio. That was my first read here and it was stunning. Thank you. Brilliant piece!

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Thank you!

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5 hours ago, i was talking to my brothers that i'm thinking about chaining myself in front of my countries parliment, this post came on the right time.

I grew up with this rage inside of me... Why don't we all stop? Why don't we all rise?

Don't know what to do Antonio. I also struggle to buy groceries that cost more and more, i do struggle to live by these standards, hell i lost a good wage because i asked for the minimum rights for my coworkers, i literally was offered so much money to stay there and i saw their false interest in me, fade away from their eyes when i refused the money, and opted to have more rights for my previous work mates.

I don't know what to do Antonio, i feel like i'm going to either be labeled a terrorist. Got no influence in the world, but i've noticed that every single person i talk with about these topics, they tell me that i should start a revolution, the revolution you mentioned, i have been dreaming about it since i was a kid.

How do we start? How do we operate against these soul crushing motherfuckers? Seriously, i am genuinely asking you for help Antonio. I'm tired of seeing people dying of hunger, not having water, (HELL WE HAVE TO PAY TO TAKE A SHIT PUBLICLY!) killIing their spirit because of this inhumane system, fml, i ended up questioning my own worth many times due to these fuckers.

Sorry for my terrible english, i'm portuguese and not a native english speaker, but this post resonated with the teenager me, with the current me, with the future me.

I can't stand this anymore, we're burried so deep into this rigged game they coded for us. And for sure, it's not an open source software.

God damn Antonio, please, answer me. My dream is to be a father and i even started considering not becoming a biological dad, due to the horrific reality that child would be born into.

Never wanted to be a billionaire, just wanted to filter all my wealth into my local community so we'd stop relying on this stupid ass rigged system.

What do i do? I'm stuck.

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Hey Lourenco. I understand what you feel, I do. Yet I have no answers—no one does or we would have already done it. You can only live your life to the best of your ability.

I would recommend joining a local organization. You will definitely meet like-minded people there.

Apart from that there is not much any single one of us can do. Unfortunately.

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Y obligado y faz favor tu inglés es mejor que mi portugués.

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Mi també si las autobús el espresso naçionall orflixbus llega cerca de mi casa mi voy mañana al gobierno aquí con una plato de mister Kipling's french fancies y une thermos de té. Y une waterproof cushion. Y une paraplui de golpismo. Oye, je suis ne happy pas.😕

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This is so good and true!

This needs to be injected into every MAGA men’s veins.

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This was an absolute BANGER essay. You earned yourself a follow dude.

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thanks man

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Thank you for writing this. I featured it in this week's round-up: https://michelleteheux.substack.com/p/this-week-in-income-inequality-jan-17f

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